Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Have Heart, Will Travel

I was going to just let this be and get on to finishing my exam marking, but I simply can NOT get over these guys...

Heart and Guts visit Japan.

Lung and Uterus visit Hollywood.

Heart and Guts stop at a diner for some un-heart healthy carrot cake.

Heart and Guts pick out MedicAlert bracelets.

Organs posing with an electric organ.

i Heart Guts is available to do non-profit work for medical causes involving their adorable organ plush toys. They even have a plush pancreas from their work with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. I am in complete AWE.

via Seesaw Designs


  1. I want them all. Once I know where I'm going to be in the next year I'm making an organ purchase.

  2. hahaha! A LEGAL organ purchase.
